Minnesota Robotics Invitational

Welcome to the
2025 Minnesota Robotics Invitational!
September 27 or October 4, Roseville, MN
Rule Changes
Contact Us
The Minnesota Robotics Invitational (MRI) is an off-season FIRST Robotics Competition event, hosted in Roseville, MN. We have a real FIRST field, real FIRST electronics and a trained FTA to run the competition.
The mission of MRI is to host an enjoyable, high quality, and well-organized FIRST Robotics Competition event, bringing together teams from across the Minnesota FIRST community.
The MRI is a family-friendly event that is open for all of the public to attend. Competitors are invited to register by filling out an application to compete. The first 36 Minnesota teams with a paid registration will be the competitors.
Roseville Area High School
1240 West County Road B2, Roseville, MN 55113
Please use this link to register!
3:00 PM – Field Setup Begins
7:00 AM – Load In
8:15 AM – Drivers Meeting on Field
8:30 AM – Opening Ceremonies
8:45 AM – Matches Begin
12 Noon – Lunch Break
3:15 PM – Alliance Selection
4:45 PM – Closing Ceremonies
Rule Changes
There will be some minor rules changes to the 2025 FRC game, REEFSCAPE
Congratulations to 2022 MRI Scholarship Winners!
$500 scholarship sponsored by The Roseville Visitors Association:
Dannalyn Orth from Team 2987, Rogue Robotics
$500 scholarship sponsored by The Roseville Visitors Association:
Nathan Nelson from Team 2530, Inconceivable
$500 scholarship sponsored by The Roseville Visitors Association:
El Anderson from Team 2129, Ultraviolet
2023 Scholarship
Update: This year unfortunately, we are not able to offer any scholarships. Our sponsor that has provided the scholarships is not able to provide them this year and we were not able to secure another sponsor of the scholarships in time.
Contact Us
MRI questions or to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVocu4DsSFTqQTtzX-wvUTgAUUFXummyjiH31T-GWiD1Q16g/viewform